Get a listing of employees on the Handpunch clock.
Navigating the Setup Command Menu
Enter the appropriate password to enter the Setup command menu. Once you have
entered the command menu, there are three options available for navigating the
command menu system.
Press # to enter the command shown on the display.
• Press * to step to the next command in the menu.
• Press CLEAR to exit the command menu (pressing any numeric key also exits
the command menu). If you are in a command’s sub-menu, press CLEAR
multiple times to completely exit the command menu.
Management Commands
There are four commands available from the Management command menu.
• List Users
• Set User Data
Refer to Table 7 on page 41 and identify the command you need to perform. Step
through all previous commands until you reach the desired command.
Table 7: Setup Command Menu
Setup Menu
Password = 3
List Users
Set User Data
User Reject
Remove any inactive employees.