
  Name of Differential Rule (will be shown in Time Sheet View)

Export Codes

  Override of Shift Differential Export Code specified in Export Configuration - Whether or not a specific premium override is needed depends on the specific export being used.




Trigger Window

  This is the qualifiers that determine if particular rule is eligible to provide differential.  Entries left blank are open ended.

Start - Work must occur after this time when used

End - Work must occur before this time when used

Min Time - There must be at least this much time (within the start and end conditions) when used

Example 1:

  Start 7:00 PM

  End: {blank}

  Min Time: 0:30

  Employee must have at least 30 minutes worked after 7:00 PM in order for this rule to be active

Example 2:

  Start 7:00 PM

  End: 11:00 PM

  Min Time: 0:30

  Employee must have at least 30 minutes worked between the hours of 7:00 PM and 11:00 PM in order for this rule to be active

Pay Window

  This specifies the work window in which differential can be paid - Entries left blank are open ended

Start - Work performed after this time will earn differential (presuming the trigger rule is met)

End - Work performed prior to this time will earn differential (presuming the trigger rule is met)

Pay Type

Rate - Indicates that the amount shown in Pay Value is an amount per hour

Percentage - Indicates that the amount shown in Pay Value is to be calculated as a percentage again the employee pay rate

Flat - Indicates that the amount shown in Pay Value is paid as a single flat amount whenever the rule is triggered

  Rate is the most common - An example is an employer that pays an additional $0.50 for evening shift

  Percentage example might be 10% - For someone that makes $20/hour, differential would be $2.00 / hour

  Flat is used for Call In Pay - When someone works On-Call and is paid $10 for each Call In

Pay Value - The amount the employee earns, entered as a dollar amount or a percentage, depending on Pay Type

Active On - The specific days of the week that a rule is active - This allows for an employee to create a Weekend Differential.  Active On rules are looking at calendar days.  A shift that begins on a calendar day that isn't active but works into an active differential day (and the work time qualifies for differential) will receive differential

Example 3:

Employee Works 4:00 AM to 4:00 PM 

Trigger Window Start: 0:00

Trigger Window End: 7:00

Pay Window Start: 0:00

Pay Window End: 7:00

Active On All Days

Employee will receive 3:00 Differential for the time period from 4:00 AM until 7:00 AM Saturday because he qualified in the Trigger Window and worked 3:00 in the Pay Window 

Example 4:

Employee Works 4:00 AM to 4:00 PM 

Trigger Window Start: 0:00

Trigger Window End: 7:00

Pay Window Start: {empty}

Pay Window End: {empty}

Active On All Days

Employee will receive 12:00 Differential for the time period from 4:00 AM until 4:00 PM Saturday because his shift qualified in the Trigger Window and the Pay Window is Open Ended, which means the entire shift is paid

Use OT Factor - This rule, when checked, causes the Differential Engine to multiply the Pay Value by the Overtime Factor, when the hours that are earning the Differential are Overtime

Example 5:

Differential Rule pays from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM

Differential Pay Value is $1.00 / hour

Condition 5a:

Employee Works 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Employee Hours are Regular

Differential Amount is $2.00

$2.00 ($1.00 x 2 hours)

Condition 5b:

Employee Works 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Employee Hours are Overtime

Differential Amount is $3.00 

$3.00 ($1.00 x 2 hours x 1.5 Overtime Factor)

Condition 5c:

Employee Works 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Employee Hours are Regular from 11:00 AM to 7;00 PM

Employee Hours are Overtime from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Differential Amount is $2.50 

    $1.00 ($1.00 x 1 hours) 

+ $1.50 ($1.00 x 1 hours x 1.5 Overtime Factor) 

= $2.50

Trigger Filter - When used, Trigger Filters ensure that Differential is only paid for hours that are worked on the Tracking Level Items included in the Trigger Filter.  Add all Tracking Level Items that can earn differential under this rule.  Leaving the list empty causes the rule to be unfiltered, which makes it active for work performed on any Tracking Level

Example 6:

Employees working Sales earn Differential after 7PM, but employees working Custodial do not.
On Monday, Joe works Sales until 8:30 PM - He earns 1 1/2 hours of Differential pay in addition to his regular wage.
On Tuesday, Joe works custodial from 6PM to midnight.  He gets only regular pay because Custodial work does not qualify for Differential pay.