Updating Clock Options

You can make modifications of several Clock Options remotely using Setup >> Communications >> [Configuration] and clicking Clock Tools in the lower right.

Once your Clock Tools area is opened...

  1. Select the desired clocks to modify
  2. Enter the desired option to update
  3. Enter the new value for the option
  4. Click Set Option

This is a powerful ability and you will be warned that it's possible to set an option that has detrimental effects

Some of the Common Options are:

Note: items in braces { } indicate values are are NOT included in the "Option" field

Network Settings

  • IPAddress {ip address string}
  • GATEIPAddress {ip address string}
  • NetMask {network mask string}

WiFi Settings
  • SSID {wifi network name}
  • AuthMode {WPAPSK,WPA2PSK}
  • EncrypType {AES,TKIP}
  • WPAPSK {password string}
  • wifiip {ip address string}
  • wifigateway {ip address string}
  • wifimask {network mask string}

General Settings
  • PINOrCardNonVal (For new generation firmware, USAPINOrCardNonVal)
    Allows punch entry without validation. {0 - 3}
    0 = not allowed
    1 = pin allowed
    2 = badge allowed
    3 = both pin and badge allowed
  • IclockSvrFun
    Enables / Disables link to WebServer. {0,1}
    0 = Disabled
    1 = Enabled
  • AlarmReRec
    Sets Duplicate Punch Prevention minutes. {0 ~ 99}
    Value is number of minutes to prevent duplicate
  • IMEFunOn
    Enables T9 Text Mode (Series 10, Series 100 Only). {0,1}
    0 = T9 Disabled
    1 = T9 Enabled
  • MustChoiceWorkCode
    Specified that Work Code must be entered during punch process. {0,1}
    0 = Work Code not Required
    1 = Work Code Required