Adding Users to your Timekeeper software
As a Manager, you can add as many Manager and Supervisor accounts to your Timekeeper software as needed.
Once you log in, click "users" in the upper right to access the User management view. To add a Manager or Supervisor, click the Add button on the bottom of the view to open a New User screen.
Note - If the "users" link is not shown in the upper right, then your login is not a "Manager" user.
Five fields are required for a user record to be valid, Username, First Name, Last Name, Password and Confirm Password.
Note: Users will be able to modify any of the settings on the left by clicking "my settings" after they log in.
General Information
Username (required)
Usernames must be unique from all other users within the Company. Usernames must be between 1 and 256 characters in length. You are welcome to use printable special characters, but you should avoid any characters that the user will not be able to type into the field (tab, backspace, enter key, escape sequences, etc.)
First Name (required)
Provide a first name between 1 and 256 characters in length. Especially long names may cause display problems in the software.
Last Name (required)
Provide a last name between 1 and 256 characters in length. Especially long names may cause display problems in the software.
Provide an e-mail here. You will need this if you want the user to receive e-mail notifications.
Password (required)
Provide a password value. If you have set your account to have a "Default Password", it will already populate this field and the confirmation field with the Default Password value and will set the Password Change Required check box.
Confirm Password (required)
Confirm the provided password If you have set your account to have a "Default Password", it will already populate this field with the Default Password value and will set the Password Change Required check box.
Password Change Required checkbox
Mark this box to require the user to update their password on next use.
Time Format
Select between 12 Hour and 24 Hour time format for displayed time stamps. (3:30 PM <=> 15:30)
Duration Format
Select between Hours and Minutes or Hours and Decimals for displayed time duration (7:45 <=> 7.75)
Full Name Format
Select between First Last or Last, First. Middle name, when used, always follows first name. (Jane L Doe <=> Doe, Jane L)
Quick Filter
Quick Filter Level - Select the Desired Tracking Level to be used with the Quick Filter control.
Quick Filter Item - Select the desired Default to be applied on login. Choose [All], [Unassigned] or a Specific item within the level.
Quick Filter selects employees based on the Employee Assignment matching the Quick Filter Selection.
Note Status Type
Use this selection to specify when a Note is considered unread. "None" means the software will hide note indicators. "Shared" means that the note will be treated as read if it has been read by any user. "Individual" means that a note will show unread until the individual user has read it themselves.
Note Status Indicator
Select "Spinning" to have the software animate unread notes or "Static" to prevent animation.
Email Notifications
PTO Requests
When an Employee creates, updates, or deletes a PTO Request in WebConnect, RealTime can send an e-mail to their supervisor(s). This setting will determine when the system will send an e-mail. Select "None" to prevent RealTime from sending e-mail notifications to the user. Select "Assigned" to send e-mail notifications only if the user is explicitely assigned as a Supervisor of the Employee. Select "All" to recieve e-mail notifications from all employees (filtered by white list, when applicable)
Use this section to select between Manager and Supervisor roles. Select Supervisor to disable access to "users" and "account" areas and to activate Whitelist and Permissions section