When you create an Employee in your Timekeeper software and assign a Clock Identity Id, the software will automatically create the enrollment record in the clocks.  If you also assign a Password or Card Number, this information will also be passed to the clocks

Here are the steps to add a clock identity that includes Identity Evidence. 

  1. Create the employee record
  2. Using the Externals tab, Clock Identities, User Defined, provide the Clock Identity Number
  3. Select the Clock Group, "Clock" from the drop down list to the right of the entry field
  4. Click "add" just to the right of the drop down to move the Clock Identity Number to the "Assigned" list
  5. Click the number just assigned to open a Dialog for the identity
  6. Specify the Desired Evidence Type at the bottom
    If Card -
    • Select "Card" from the Evidence Types drop down list and click "add" on the right of the selection
    • Card will be inserted into the Evidences list
    • Add the badge encoded number to it (skip leading 0's if the card has them)
    If Password -
    • Select "Password" from the Evidence Types drop down list and click "add" on the right of the selection
    • Password will be inserted into the Evidences list
    • Add the desired password (numeric only) to it
  7. Click OK to close the dialog
  8. Save the Employee Record
  9. RealTime will send the information to the clocks automatically

Note that Fingerprint and Facial templates MUST be added at the clock, but the identity record can be first created from the software