When an employee leaves your company, follow these steps to ensure that your retain that employee's information while making sure they no longer appear on your lists and reports, and that they no longer count toward your employee total for billing.

  1. Go to Employees and double-click on their name. Under the General tab, take the checkmark out of "Is active".
  2. This will cause a drop-down box labeled "Clock Identity" to appear. Your options are Leave, Remove, and Unassign.
    1. Leave - Leave the clock identity active and assigned to the terminated employee.
    2. Remove - Unassign and delete the clock identity.
    3. Unassign - Unassign the clock ID from the employee, but leave it on the clock.

      RECOMMENDED - Choose "Leave" to avoid assigning the clock ID to any new employees who come aboard later, and to make it easier to reactivate the employee if they return to your company.

  3. Next, go to the Employment tab, and enter a Release Date. This is the last day your employee worked with your company, and will inform the system no longer to apply automatic hours such as salarly, holiday, and unpaid PTO. Without a release date, these hours will apply to that employee's timecard, even though he is no longer active.
  4. Click Save.

From this point on, if you want to see your employee again, you will need to click Include inactive in the Employees screen. To include them in any reports, you must temporarily activate them so they will appear in your report.

If an employee returns to your company, simply add the checkmark back to "Is active," and remove the release date.