CSV File Format. Columns should be comma separated. Encapsulate in quotes if a comma is needed in the field. Columns can be in any order. Columns are optional unless specified. Column names are not case sensitive. For text fields, any text is allow unless specified. ---- columns --------------------------------------------------------- CompanyId (Needed if processing from a Reseller login or submitting through the Sync engine) LevelId (Required, Name or Discriminator) LevelName (Max length 50, Not Deletable) ItemId (Required, Max length 50) ItemName (Max length 50, !delete) TrackingCode (Max length 50) ExportCode1 (Max length 50) ExportCode2 (Max length 50) PayRateType (None=0, NewRate=1, DefinedRate=2, RateFactor=3, DefinedFactor=4, RateDifferential=5, DefinedDifferential=6) PayRate Deactivated (True, False) ---- end of columns --------------------------------------------------- Discriminator is the numeric order of the Tracking Level (1 ~ 8) Change a Level name - Select by name or discriminator in the LevelId then put the new name in the LevelName column Change an Item name - Select by name in ItemId then put the new name in the ItemName column Modify a value - To set a value, include the new value in corresponding column. Skip a value - To not modify an existing value, leave the corresponding column blank. Clear existing value - To clear a value, set the value to "!clear". Delete an Item - To delete an item from the system, set the ItemName to !delete.