Timecards gives you a summary of your employees' hours for a given date range. You can double-click on an employee's name to enter their individual Timesheet.


1. Filter box

You can quickly find an employee by name or ID by typing in a search string in this box. After you're done with the search, you can clear the filter box by clicking the gray X.

2. Quick Filter

If you've set up a Quick Filter in user settings, you can filter your list of employees down to one Tracking Level item by selecting it from the list. [All] will include everyone, [Unassigned] will only show individuals who haven't been assigned to an item in the Tracking Level.

3. Time Summary

Total Regular, OT1, OT2, and all hours for each employee for the date range selected.

4. Date Range

The date range considered for each employee to display their Time Summary (3) is presented here. A company can have more than one pay period for its employees.

5. Exceptions filter

You can filter your list of employees to "With exception," "Without exception," or Both.

6. Exceptions indicator

A red dot in this column indicates that the employee has an exception (usually a missing punch) in their timecard for the selected date range.

7. Date Range Selection

Click on this box to open a dialog box and change the date range.


4A. Current Pay Period

This will present the pay period for today's date for each employee. A company can have more than one pay period for its employees. The exact date range is shown in the Date Range column (4).

4B. Previous Pay Period

This will present the pay period for each employee which precedes the pay period containing today's date.

4C. Pay Period As Of

This will present the pay period for each employee which includes the date selected.

4D. Custom Date Range

You can select any from and to dates for all employees to view their hours summary.

8. Import Attendance File

This is used to upload punches contained in an attendance file (ATTLOG.DAT) downloaded from a clock.


9. Timecard Tools

You can use this feature to change the assigned tracking level items and pay rate information for punches and hours already entered.


9A. Quick Filter

Select employees belonging to one tracking level item by using a Quick Filter, which you can set up in "my settings".


9B. Employees List

Select employees individually.

9C. Select All or None

You can select all employees or clear your selections.

9D. Apply changes to Punches

This is checked by default. If you wish to apply your changes to hours only, remove the check mark.

9E. Hours

Select the hour type(s) you wish to apply your changes to.

9F. Monetary Types

Select the monetary type(s) you wish to apply your changes to.

9G. Date Range

Select the date range in which you want your changes to take effect.

9H. Tracking Levels to Assign

You can assign specific Tracking Level items to assign to the entries in the date range selected, or leave "Unchanged" to leave them alone.

9I. Include Modified

Check this option if you want to include edited punches and entries in your changes. Otherwise, take the check mark out, if you want those entries left alone.

9J. Adjust Pay Rate

A check here will alter the pay rate for the entries affected to the current pay rate for your employee(s).

9K. Assign Tracking Levels

Press this button to commit your changes. Caution: There is no "undo" button for this operation.