Alternate Pay Rates
RealTime can apply alternate pay rates based on the specific Tracking Level Item (Job or Task) that the employee works.
Setting it up:
1) Decide how the system will determine the alternate rate - the options are Rate, Factor, and Differential.
- Rate is simply substituting a new rate instead of the Employee's Pay Rate
- Factor is providing a multiplier for the system to use in conjunction with the Employee's Pay Rate
- Differential is providing an amount to be added to the Employee's Pay Rate
2) Decide where the system will find the alternate rate amount - the options are either Specified or Defined.
- Specified means that the value is supplied directly from the the Tracking Level Item itself ("New Rate", "Rate Factor" and "Rate Differential")
- Defined means that the value will be retrieved from an Employee "User Defined Property" ("Defined Rate", "Defined Factor" and "Defined Differential")
Note: If using a Defined value for alternate rates, you will want to create the User Defined Property fields (Company Setup or Employee Setup) before trying to use them in the Alternate Rate setup of the Tracking Level Item.
Navigate to Setup >> Tracking Levels and select the Level that will be used for Alternate Rates. Each Tracking Level Item can have Alternate Rate rules applied. Simply click the "Edit" in the Alternate Pay Rate column.
Choosing Edit brings up a Dialog Box with options for "Alternate Pay Rate", "Alternate Overtime 1 Rate" and "Alternate Overtime 2 Rate", each with a drop down list. The drop down list has 7 selections:
- None - Use system defaults
- New Rate - Enter the Alternate Rate in the text box
- Defined Rate - Select the User Defined Property that will contain the Alternate Rate amount
- Rate Factor - Enter the Factor in the text box
- Defined Factor - Select the User Defined Property that will contain the Factor amount
- Rate Differential - Enter the Differential Amount in the text box
- Defined Differential - Select the User Defined Property that will contain the Differential amount
When done with the edits, save the Tracking Level changes.
If you used Defined values, ensure that each employee that will receive alternate rates has appropriate values entered and maintained in their User Defined Properties.
Example Set up for Defined Rate:
- Go to Employees, and double-click on an employee, or go to company settings (company name in top right corner).
- Click "add" under Employee Custom Properties, and for each job, type in "Pay Rate: [job name]" as the Name.
- Save the changes, then go to Setup > Tracking Levels. Double-click on the Tracking Level containing your job codes.
- For each item, click on "edit" under Alternate Pay Rate, then select Defined Rate. In the drop-down box that pops up to the right, select the Custom Property corresponding to the job code.
Go to Employees > [employee] > General, and next to each pay rate, enter the hourly rate in Value.
Any employees with a number in the Custom Pay rate boxes will be paid that rate for any hours worked under that job code. In all other cases, employees will be paid their default hourly rate defined under Employment. I.e., any employees whose Custom Pay rate box is blank will be paid their default rate, even under that job code.