At the clock:
Series 10 clocks
Hit the M/Enter key and enter admin credentials if required.
Navigate with arrows and M/Enter key to Menu > System > Keyboard
Change one of the F keys (your choice) to WorkCode
Change another F key to Switch.
ESC out to main screen.
Series 800 clocks
Menu >> Personalize >> Punch State Options
Punch State Mode
Off -
Manual Mode -
Auto Mode -
Manual and Auto Mode -
Manual Fixed Mode -
Fixed Mode -
Punch State Timeout(s)
Punch State Required
Menu >> Personalize >> Shortcut Key Mappings
Punch State Value - Set this value corresponding to the key code assignment on Realtime Web.
Function - Set this to Punch State Options
Name - You can choose one of the given names, or use User Defined to type in your own name for the key.
Set Switch Time - This is the Time of Day that this key will automatically become the Default Selection
Select Job Group - Undefined 1 / 2 / 3 / etc. Use this setting to specify which Job Group choice(s) are required when the key is used.
Populate Tracking Level with names and tracking code
Setup > Communications > [Clock Group] > [Clock]
Associate Tracking Levels to their appropriate WorkCode and/or Job Code entries from the Clock
Add Key Code Mapping corresponding to Value in Clock F key settings.
Series 10 Clock - Updating WorkCode List From RealTime Web
Modified on: Fri, 20 Nov, 2015 at 10:39 AM
We now have the ability to update the WorkCode List from RealTime Web using the "Set Clock Option" section of Communications >> [Clock Group] >> Clock Tools utility.
Use the appropriate section below as a guide for Adding or Removing WorkCodes. After setting the desired values in Option and Value fields, click the "Set Option" buttonNote: Because the command needs a Tab embedded in the string, you will want to build the Value string in something like Notepad, then Paste it into the RealTime value field
Note 2: In order for the Clock to use List Mode for WorkCodes, you must set the option "~CtrWkcdMode" to value "1". Setting this option to "0" will set the clock to use Input Mode
Setting option "MustChoiceWorkCode" to value "1" causes the clock to request a WorkCode with every employee event. Usually this will just be Punches, but it is also requested for other functions like Last Punch Lookup.
Setting Option "~MCWKCD" to value "1"causes the clock to validate WorkCode entries against the list of Stored WorkCodes.
Note 3: After the last Option Update, click the "Reboot" button. The clock will incorporate the changes on start-up.
WORKCODE CODE={code}\tName={name}
* Where {code} is replaced by a numeric WorkCode number greater than 0
Note: - Do not include the curly braces
* And {name} is the text that the user will see in the list
Note: - {name} cannot exceed 24 characters
Note: - Do not include the curly braces unless you want them as part of the text
Deleting a Code
* Where {code} is replaced by a numeric WorkCode number greater than 0
Note: - Do not include the curly braces
Delete all Codes at once