> Check-In

> Check-Out

> Job Code

> Tip Code

> Last Punch

> Self-Service

USER ID (Keyboard icon on bottom of LCD screen.)

MENU (Menu key is 3x2 squares on bottom of LCD screen.)

User Mgt

> New User

>> User ID

>> Name

>> User Role

>>> Normal User

>>> Super Admin

>> Verification Mode

>>> Apply Group Mode

>>> Password/Fingerprint/Badge/FC

>>> Fingerprint only

>>> User ID only

>>> Password

>>> Badge only


>>> Fingerprint/Password

>>> Fingerprint/Badge

>>> Password/Badge

>>> User ID + FIngerprint

>>> Fingerprint+Password

>>> Fingerprint+Badge


>>> Fingerprint+Password+Badge

>>> Password+Badge

>>> Password/Badge

>>> UserID+Fingerprint+Password

>>> Fingerprint+(Badge/UserID)

>>> Face Only


>>> FC+Fingerprint

>>> FC+Password

>>> FC+Badge

>>> FC+Fingerprint+Badge

>>> FC+Fingerprint+Password

>> Fingerprint

>>> Enroll Fingerprint / Please select the finger to be enrolled (0-9) 

NOTE: Use firm pressure to activate fingerprint reader

>> Face

>>> Enroll Face / Focus eyes inside green box

NOTE: stay still until it says "Focus eyes inside green box" two more times, then says "Thank you."

(Below screen. Access by clicking scroll button on top right)

>> Badge Number

>>> Enroll Badge Number > Please swipe badge

>> Password

>> User Photo

>> Lockout Override

>>> Enable / Disable

>> Access Control Role

>>> Access Group > Please input 1-99

>>> Verification Mode

>>>> Apply Group Mode > (Password/Fingerprint/Badge/FC) / Fingerprint only / User ID only / Password / Badge only / Fingerprint/Password / Fingerprint/Badge / Password/Badge / User ID + FIngerprint / Fingerprint+Password / Fingerprint+Badge / Fingerprint+Password+Badge / Password+Badge / Password/Badge / UserID+Fingerprint+Password / Fingerprint+(Badge/UserID) / Face Only / FC+Fingerprint / FC+Password / FC+Badge / FC+Fingerprint+Badge / FC+Fingerprint+Password

>>> Duress Fingerprint

>>>> Duress Fingerprint / Please select duress fingerprint (0-9) 

>>> Apply Group Time Period > On/Off

>>>> Time Period 1 > Please Input (0 ~ 50)

>>>> Time Period 2 > Please Input (0 ~ 50)


>>>> Time Period 3 > Please Input (0 ~ 50)

>> Duplicate Punch Period(s) > Disabled / 10 /20/ 30/ 40 / User Defined > (Please input (1 ~ 999999)

> All Users > List of current users

>> Edit / Delete

> Display Style

>> Single Line / Multiple Line / Mixed Line

User Role

> User Defined Role 1 / 2 / 3

>> Enable Defined Role > ON / OFF

>> Name

>> Define User Role > Checkmarks for all menu items


> Ethernet

>> IP Address

>> Subnet Mask

>> Gateway

>> DNS

>> TCP COMM.Port

>> DHCP > On / Off


>> Display in Status Bar > On / Off

> Serial Comm

>> Serial Port > no using / RS232(PC) / RS485(PC)

>> Baudrate > 115200 / 57600 / 38400 / 19200

> PC Connection

>> Comm Key > Please input (0 ~ 999999)

>> Device ID > Please input (1 ~ 254)

> Wireless Network

>> WIFI > On / Off

>>> Not in the Network range

>>>> Security > will display info

>>>> Signal Strength > will display info

>>>> Password > enter password using keyboard

>>>> Connect to WIFI (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>>> (listing of wifi networks)

>>>> Security > will display info

>>>> Signal Strength > will display info

>>>> Password > enter password using keyboard

>>>> Connect to WIFI (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>>> Add WIFI Network

>>>> SSID > (Key in)

>>>> Network Mode > INFRA / ADHOC

>>>> Auth. Mode > Open / Shared / WEPAUTO / WPAPSK / WPA2PSK / WPA1PSK/WPA2PSK

>>>> Encrypt Mode > 

/ Shared: WEP 





>>> Advanced

>>>> DHCP: On / Off

>>>> IP Address

>>>> Subnet Mask

>>>> Gateway 


>> Enable Domain Name: On / Off

>> Server Address >

>> Server Port > 80

>> Enable Proxy Server

> Wiegand Setup

>> Wiegand Output

>>> Wiegand Format > Wiegand options

>>>> 26Bits > Wiegand26 / Wiegand26a

>>>> 34Bits > Wiegand34 / Wiegand34a / no using

>>>> 36Bits > Wiegand36 / Wiegand36a / no using

>>>> 37Bits > Wiegand37 / Wiegand37a / no using

>>>> 50Bits > Wiegand50 / no using

>>> weigand output bits > 26

>>> Failed ID > Disabled / User Defined > Please input (0 ~ 65535)

>>> Site Code > Disabled / User Defined >  Please input (0 ~ 256)

>>> Pulse Width(us) > Please input (20 ~ 100)

>>> Pulse interval(us) > Please input (200 ~ 20000)


>>> ID Type > User ID / Badge Number


> Date Time

>> Set Date > Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>> Set Time

>> 24-Hour Time > On / Off


>> Daylight Saving Time > (On) / Off

>> Daylight Saving Mode > By date/time / (By week/day)


>> Daylight Saving Setup 

>>> Start Month

>>> Start Week

>>> Start Day

>>> Start Time

>>> End Month

>>> End Week


>>> End Day

>>> End Time

> Attendance

>> Camera Mode > No photo / Take photo,no save / Take photo and save / Save on successful verification / Save on failed verification

>> Display User Photo > On / Off

>> Alphanumeric User ID > On / Off

>> Attendance Log Alert > (Disabled) / 20 /40/ 60 / 80 / User Defined  > Please input (1 ~ 9999)

>> Cyclic Delete ATT Data > Disabled / 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / (User Defined: 999) > Please input (1 ~ 999) 

>> Cyclic Delete ATT Photo > Disabled / 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / (User Defined: 99) > Please input (1 ~ 99)


>> Cyclic Delete Blacklist Photo > (Disabled) / 20 / 40 /60 /80 / User Defined > Please input (1 ~ 99)

>> Confirm Screen Delay(s) > 1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / User Defined > Please input (1 ~ 9)

>> Face detect interval(s) > (0) / 1 / 2 / 3 / User Defined > Please input (0 ~ 9)

>> Expiration Rule > On / Off

>>> On > Expiration Rule Options > (Keep user, No audit future punch) / Keep user, And audit future punch / Delete User

> Face

>> 1:1 Match Threshold (75) > Please input (55 ~ 120)

>> 1:N Match Threshold (82) > Please input (65 ~ 120)

>> Detecte false face > On / Off

>> Exposure (300) > Please input (40 ~ 1000)

>> Quality (80) > Please input (50 ~ 150)

>> Face Verification Delay(s) (1) > 0 / 5/ 10 / 15

> Fingerprint

>> 1:1 Match Threshold > 10 / (15) / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35

>> 1:N Match Threshold > 25 / 30 / (35) / 40 / 45 / 50

>> FP Sensor Sensitivity > (Low) / Medium / High

>> 1:1 Retry Times > 1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7/ 8/ 9

>> Fingerprint Image > Show for enroll / Show for match / (Always show) / None

> Reset

>> Reset?Restart > OK / Cancel

> USB Upgrade

>> ?


> User Interface

>> Wallpaper

>> Language > (English)

>> Lock Power Key > On / (Off)

>> Menu Screen Timeout(s) > Disabled / (60) / 120 / 180 / 240 / User Defined > Please input (60 ~ 99999)

>> Idle Time to Slide Show(s) > (None) / 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / User Defined > Please Input (3 ~ 999)

>> Slide Show Interval(s) > Disabled / (30) / 45 / 60 /75 / User Defined > Please Input (3 ~ 999)


>> Idle Time to Sleep(m) > Disabled / (30) / 45 / 60 / 75 / User Defined > Please Input (1 ~ 999)

>> Main Screen Style > (Style 1) / Style 2

> Voice

>> Voice Prompt > On / (Off)

>> Touch prompts > (On) / Off

>> Volume > (70) Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

> Bell Schedules

>> New Bell Schedule

>>> Bell Status > On / (Off)

>>> Bell Time > Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>>> Repeat > (Never) Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday 

>>> Bell Type > (Internal Bell) / External Bell / Internal and External Bell

>>> Ring Tone > bell(1-10).wav

>>> Internal bell delay(s) > (5) / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / User Defined > Please input (1 ~ 999)

>> All Bell Schedules

>> Options

>>> External Bell Relay > (Disabled) / NC1 / NC2

> Punch State Options

>> Punch State Mode > Off / Manual Mode / Auto Mode / (Manual and Auto Mode) / Manual Fixed Mode / Fixed Mode

>> Punch State Timeout(s) > 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / (User Defined: 10)

>> Punch State Required > On / Off

> Shortcut Key Mappings

>> F(1/2/3/4/5/6)

>>> Punch State Value > Please input (0 ~ 250)

>>> Function > Undefined / Punch State Options / New User / All Users / Ethernet / Serial Comm / PC Connection / Wireless Network / ADMS / Date Time / Attendance / Fingerprint / User Interface / Voice / Bell Schedules / Shortcut Key Mappings / Delete Data / Backup Data / Restore Data / Upload / Download / Attendance Record / Attendance Photo / Blacklist ATT Photo / New Message / All Messages / New Work Code / All Work Codes / Work Code Options / Device Capacity / Device Info / Firmware Info / Work Code / Public Message / Personal Record Search / Job Code / Tip Code / Self-service / Last Punch

>>> Name > User Defined (text entry) / Check-In / Break-Out / Break-In / Overtime-In / Overtime-Out

>>> Set Switch Time > Switch Cycle > (Never) / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday

>>> Select Job Group > (Disable) / Undefined (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6)

>>> Select Tip Group > (Disable) / Breakfast / Lunch / Supper

> Tip Code Setting

>> Enable All Tip Group > On / Off

>> Tip Group(1/2/3) > On / Off

>> Set Tip Group Name > Text entry


> Manual Add Log

>> User ID > List of users > Manual Add Log

>>> User ID

>>> Verify Mode

>>> Verify State

>>> Date

>>> Time

>> Verify Mode > (User ID) / Password / Fingerprint / Card / Face

>> Verify State > (None) / Check-In / Check-Out

>> Date > Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>> Time > Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

Data Mgt.

> Delete Data

>> Delete Attendance Data

>>> Delete All > Delete Attendance Data?: OK / Cancel

>>> Delete by Time Range > Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>> Delete Attendance Photo

>>> Delete All > Delete Attendance Photo?: OK / Cancel

>>> Delete by Time Range > Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>> Delete Blacklist Photo 

>>> Delete All > Delete Blacklist Photo?: OK / Cancel

>>> Delete by Time Range > Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>> Delete All Data > Delete All Data?: OK / Cancel

>> Delete Admin Role > Delete Admin Role?: OK / Cancel

>> Delete Access Control > Delete Access Control?: OK / Cancel


>> Delete User Photo > Delete User Photo?: OK / Cancel

>> Delete Wallpaper > Selection of wallpapers

>> Delete Screen Savers > Selection fo Screen Savers

>> Delete Backup Data > Delete Backup Data?: OK / Cancel

> Backup Data

>> Backup to Device

>> Backup to USB Disk 

> Restore Data

>> Restore from Device

>> Restore from USB disk

Access Control

> Access Control Options

>> Door Lock Delay (s) > 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (User Defined > Please input (0 ~ 10): 10)
>> Door Sensor Delay (s) > 1 /2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / (User Defined > Please input (1 ~ 255): 10)

>> Door Sensor Type > (Normal Open (NO)) / Normal Close (NC) / None

>> Door Alarm Delay(s) > 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / (User Defined > Please input (0 ~ 999): 30)

>> Retry Times to Alarm > None / 1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5

>> NC Time Period> Please enter (0 ~ 50) (None)


>> NO Time Period > Please enter (0 ~ 50) (None)

>> Auxiliary input configuration

>>> Aux ouput/Lock open time(s) > 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / (User Defined > Please input (1 ~ 255)): Normal Open (NO)(255)

>>> Aux output type setting > None / (Trigger door open) / Trigger Alarm / Trigger Door open and Alarm

>> Valid Holidays > ON / (OFF)

>> Speaker Alarm > ON / (OFF)
>> Reset Access Setting > Restart to take effect? : OK / Cancel

> Time Schedule:








Search Time Zone(1-50) 

> Holidays

>> Add Holiday

>>> No. > Please input (1 ~ 99)

>>> Start Date > MM/DD Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>>> End Date > MM/DD Confirm (OK) / Cancel (ESC)

>>> Time Period > Please input (0 ~ 50): (1)

>> All Holidays

> Access Groups

>> New Group

>>> No. > Please input (1 ~ 99)

>>> Verification Mode > (Password/Fingerprint/Badge/FC) / Fingerprint only / User ID only / Password / Badge only / Fingerprint/Password / Fingerprint/Badge / Password/Badge / User ID + FIngerprint / Fingerprint+Password / Fingerprint+Badge / Fingerprint+Password+Badge / Password+Badge / Password/Badge / UserID+Fingerprint+Password / Fingerprint+(Badge/UserID) / Face Only / FC+Fingerprint / FC+Password / FC+Badge / FC+Fingerprint+Badge / FC+Fingerprint+Password

>>> Time Period 1 > Please input (0 ~ 50)

>>> Time Period 2 > Please input (0 ~ 50)

>>> Time Period 3 > Please input (0 ~ 50)

>>> Include Holidays > On / (Off) 

>> All Groups > [list of groups] 

>>> Edit

>>>> No.

>>>> Verification Mode > (Password/Fingerprint/Badge/FC) / Fingerprint only / User ID only / Password / Badge only / Fingerprint/Password / Fingerprint/Badge / Password/Badge / User ID + FIngerprint / Fingerprint+Password / Fingerprint+Badge / Fingerprint+Password+Badge / Password+Badge / Password/Badge / UserID+Fingerprint+Password / Fingerprint+(Badge/UserID) / Face Only / FC+Fingerprint / FC+Password / FC+Badge / FC+Fingerprint+Badge / FC+Fingerprint+Password

>>>> Time Period 1

>>>> Time Period 2

>>>> Time Period 3

>>>> Include Holidays > On / (Off) 


> Combined Verification > 1 - 10

>> 0-99 / 0-99 / 0-99 / 0-99 / 0-99

> Duress Options

>> Alarm on 1:1 Match > On / (Off)

>> Alarm on 1: N Match > On / (Off)

>> Alarm on Password > On / (Off)

>> Alarm Delay(s) : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / (User Defined: 10)

USB Manager

> Download

>> Attendance Data

>> User Data

>> User Portrait

>> Attendance Photo

>> Blacklist Photo

>> Work Code

>> Short Message

> Upload (TO DEVICE)

>> User Data

>> User Portrait

>> Upload work code

>> Short Message

>> Screen Saver 

>> Wallpaper

> Download Options

>> Encrypt Attendance Data > On / (Off)

>> Delete ATT Data > On / (Off)

Attendance Search

> Attendance Record

> Attendance Photo

> Blacklist ATT Photo

Short Message

Work Code

Job Code

(Below screen. Access by clicking scroll button on top right)



System Info