At the top, enter the days before a new employee would be eligible for paid holidays.
Click "add" for each holiday you wish to enter for your company.
For each holiday...
1) Give the holiday a name
2) Select the observation condition: recurring or one-time.
A recurring holiday can be the day of month, or it can be the 1st/2nd/3rd... weekday in the month. (E.g., 1st Monday in September for Labor Day)
A one time occurrence can be used for special days, or for irregularly recurring holidays like Good Friday. I recommend using the year as part of the name (e.g., Good Friday 2018)
3) If the holiday is a day of the month, and you offset holidays occurring on weekends, go to the right side under Holiday Offsets, and for each weekend day, enter the day to which you want to offset (i.e., Sunday >> Next Monday, Saturday >> Previous Friday).
4) Paid if worked - Leave this checkmark in place if you want employees who clock in on the holiday to be paid their holiday hours on top of whatever hours they work.
5) Premium - Overtime eligible hours can be paid out at OT1, OT2, or Additional hours of your choosing. For "Additional," select the hour type to pay, and the percentage of the hours worked to pay out. E.g., if you want part time employees to get paid an equivalent number of holiday hours to the hours worked, you'd set PTO to "Holiday," and Percentage to 100.
6) Duration Override - Your employees will be paid the default duration of the holiday hour type (8) unless you specify a number here. For example, if your company has a half day on New Year's Eve, you'd enter 4 for Duration Override, and your employees would receive 4 hours of holiday pay instead of the standard 8.
Additional notes:
Memorial Day - Defined as the 5th Monday in May. In years where May only has 4 Mondays, the 4th Monday will be assigned.
Thanksgiving Friday - Define as 4th Thursday in November, then offset Thursday >> Next Friday. The 4th Friday does not always follow the 4th Thursday.
Weekend offsets for holiday eves. - If your company has two days off in a row, how you offset your eve holiday can be a bit tricky, as the primary holiday itself is also offset (e.g., Christmas on a Saturday would be offset to the previous Friday, which is already Christmas Eve). Use the following settings:
Friday >> Prev Thursday
Saturday >> Prev Friday
Sunday >> Prev Friday