For more detailed instructions, see:
Timekeeper - Timecards - Import Attendance File

Importing punch data from a clock is very easy.

Log in to RealTime Timekeeper and navigate to Timecards.  Locate the button on the right labeled "Import File", located under the header "Import Attendance File"

The Software will open a dialog box which will allow you to specify the Date and Time you want to start the import.  You can leave this field empty, which will cause the system to begin on the "next" Timestamp, based on the last timestamp it received.

The dialog box also offers a field to specify the location of the file you are importing.  You can enter or paste the path in the box, or click the ellipses button and navigate to the file to select it.

This import tool can process files that are prefixed with a Clock Code, or with a Clock Serial Number.  

Once you have a file and, optionally, a Starting Timestamp, click Import.  If using a Clock Code, the system will select the first found clock matching the code.  If using Serial Number, the system will locate the clock with a matching serial number.  If a matching clock is not found, nothing will be imported.