We have learned that a recent Windows Update has broken the ability for the RealTime Communications to automatically transfer collected punches into the database

Communications does collect the punches and add them to a TCD file.  TCD Files are usually stored in the same folder as your RealTime Database. (See Directory field in your Company Setup screen)  TCD files are named MMDD####.TCD where MM = 2 digit Month, DD = 2 digit Day and #### is a Sequence Number (0001~9999)

Example: Downloads on August 27th for all years would be named: 08270001.TCD, 08270002.TCD, 08270003.TCD, 08270004.TCD, Etc.  

The workaround is to manually import the TCD files after they are created and fail to transfer.  This is done by opening RealTime and navigating to Utilities >> Import Clock Data.

If you aren't sure if a specific file was already imported, use Evaluate TCD.  It will show you any punches in the file that are not already in the database.  If your employee DOES NOT explicitly choose a Punch Type (IN,OUT, etc.), then you should not use Evaluate TCD to import, since it is not as capable of determining the correct Punch Type for you.  in this situation, use Evaluate TCD to identify if a file should be imported, then cancel the Missing Records list and use Import Clock Data for the file.