Importing Punch Files:
Navigate to Timecards area and click "Import Attendance File" in the Tasks area on the right.

Use the "Minimum Timestamp Allowed" section to override the timestamp provided by the clock configuration.  Any punches timestamped prior to the Minimum Timestamp Allowed will be ignored by the import process.

Select one or more Attendance Log Files to import, then click Import Files

File Naming Matters:
When importing a Punch File, the filename tells the system which Clock Configuration to use for processing.  The filename will need begin with a value and an underscore (like "1_attlog.txt" or "AF442045xxxxx_attlog.dat")  The portion of the filename that precedes the underscore is used to identify the clock configuration.  

When a simple number is used (1 ~ 255), the system locates the first clock configuration in which the Clock Code matches the number.  In this situation, a client may have multiple configurations that match.  The system will use the first one it finds.

When a clock Serial Number is used (13 characters), the system uses the specific clock that matches the serial number.

If a matching Clock Configuration is not located, the file will not be imported

File Format:
Here is the format of the Attendance Log file.  It's a Tab delimited file, no header, with the following columns:
Clock ID
TimeStamp - (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
Device ID
Punch Type Code - (if no match, punch type will be "Auto")
Method Code
WorkCode - (maps to the Tracking Code of a Tracking Level Item)
New Generation Firmware also supports up to 6 additional Job Codes, which will map to the Tracking code of a Tracking Level Item:

For Import Purposes, all files should include columns "Clock Id" through "WorkCode".  Optional JobCode columns can be included as needed.  When including JobCode columns, the Reserved1 and Reserved2 columns along with any preceding JobCode columns must also be included.

See also: 

Timekeeper - Import Attendance File