Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

The following is a selection of Windows keyboard shortcuts. The full list can be found at:

Keyboard shortcuts in Windows (

Taking a bit of time each day to learn one or two of these shortcuts over time can greatly speed up your daily user experience in Windows. 

General Navigation / Selection


Select all

SHIFT + Left arrow / Right arrow

Select one character left or right

SHIFT + Up arrow / Down arrowSelect one line up or down

CTRL + Left arrow / Right arrowMove cursor one word left or right

CTRL + SHIFT + Left arrow / Right arrowSelect one word left or right

CTRL + BackspaceDelete previous word

CTRL + Up / Down arrow

Move cursor one paragraph up or down
CTRL + SHIFT + Up / Down arrow

Select one paragraph up or down
CTRL + Home / End

Move cursor to the top or bottom of the page

CTRL + SHIFT + Home / EndSelect from present position to top or bottom of the page

CTRL + CCopy


CTRL + VPaste


Paste without formatting

CTRL + ZUndo



WIN + SHIFT + STake a screenshot of part of your screen

Windows/App Selection

ALT + Tab
ALT + SHIFT + Tab (reverse order)
Switch between open apps

Hold down the ALT key and tap Tab to cycle through your open apps. Let go of ALT to open the selected app.

SHIFT + click a taskbar button

Open an app or quickly open another instance of an app

CTRL + SHIFT + click a taskbar button

Open an app as an administrator
WIN + 1 - 0Open the desktop and start the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

If the app is already running, switch to that app.

WIN + SHIFT + 1 - 0Open the desktop and start a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

ALT + F4Close an app


Close the active document or tab

F11 or
WIN + Up arrow

Maximize window
WIN + Down arrowRemove current app from screen or minimize the desktop window

WIN + SHIFT + Up arrowStretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen

WIN + DDisplay and hide the desktop

WIN + MMinimize all windows

WIN + SHIFT + MRestore minimized windows on the desktop

WIN + Left arrow / Right arrowSnap current window to left or right side of screen

WIN + SHIFT + Left arrow / Right arrowMove current window to next monitor


WIN + EOpen File Explorer

WIN + ROpen Run dialog box

Web Browser 

CTRL + L or

Select the address bar

CTRL + 1 - 0Select the tab in the position indicated by the number

CTRL + NOpen a new browser window


Close the current tab

CTRL + TOpen a new tab


Open the previously closed tab
CTRL + Tab Go to the next tab

CTRL + SHIFT + TabGo to the previous tab

ALT + Left / Right arrow

Move back/forward in browser history

CTRL + mouse scroll wheel up / down

Zoom in or out

Middle mouse button on a tab

Close an open tab

Middle mouse button on a link or
CTRL + click on a link

Open link in a new tab

SHIFT + click on a link

Open link in a new window

ALT + mouse drag

Select link text without opening it