Import Records to the TimeSheet using a CSV File
This article is for preparing a CSV File for importing into the TimeSheet.  If you are looking for information on importing the attlog file from a physical timeclock, please see:

Timekeeper - Timecards - Import Attendance File

You can use a CSV File to import timesheet data.  To do the import, first prepare the file as described below, then import it using the "Import Attendance File" dialog located in the Timecards area.

** To understand the available fields and which are required, follow the CsvImportHeader guidelines (Attached):

For Time Records it'll need to look similar to:
Punch,1001,2021-12-09 08:30:00,Auto
Punch,1002,2021-12-09 08:30:00,Auto
Punch,1003,2021-12-09 08:30:00,Auto
Punch,1001,2021-12-09 12:00:00,Auto
Punch,1002,2021-12-09 12:00:00,Auto
Punch,1003,2021-12-09 12:00:00,Auto
Punch,1001,2021-12-09 12:30:00,Auto
Punch,1002,2021-12-09 12:30:00,Auto
Punch,1003,2021-12-09 12:30:00,Auto
Punch,1001,2021-12-09 17:00:00,Auto
Punch,1002,2021-12-09 17:00:00,Auto
Punch,1003,2021-12-09 17:00:00,Auto
The above sample will import for punches (8:30, 12:00, 12:30 and 17:00) for 3 people (1001, 1002 and 1003) 

Set up the columns in Excel and save as CSV (be sure that the TimeStamp column is formatted to "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"

This also requires that each employee that the file references has a unique Employee ID, including inactive ones.  

Save and close the file. Then go to Timekeeper >> Timecards, click Import Attendance File, and open the file from your computer.

To enter hours:

As an Hours Record:
If using an Hours Record, you will want a record with Full Participation in Overtime. Full Participation means that the hours in those records can accrue toward, and become Overtime. The example below assumes that you are using the "Working Hours" type.

Pto,1001,2021-12-06,Working Hours,7.7
Pto,1001,2021-12-07,Working Hours,8
Pto,1001,2021-12-08,Working Hours,9

As a Pair of Punches:
If converting to a Pair of Punches, then you'll need to have a usable Start Time and then do math to figure out the correct out punch.  Assuming you Let Midnight be your Start Time, then your End Time will be pretty easy.  7.7 is 7 hours and 42 minutes (6 minutes per 10th of an hour).  That means your Out Punches would be 7:42, 8:00 and 9:00 respectively.

Punch,1001,2021-12-06 00:00:00,In
Punch,1001,2021-12-06 07:42:00,Out
Punch,1001,2021-12-07 00:00:00,In
Punch,1001,2021-12-07 08:00:00,Out
Punch,1001,2021-12-08 00:00:00,In
Punch,1001,2021-12-08 09:00:00,Out