To delete unassigned clock identities from Timekeeper:
- Go to Timekeeper >> Setup >> Clock Identities
- If your company has more than one Clock Group, select the correct one from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
- Click on the "Employee" header twice (to reverse sorting order by name).
- Highlight the Unassigned IDs. Click on the first Unassigned entry, scroll down if necessary, hold down the SHIFT key, and click on the last entry.
- Click "Delete" on the bottom left.
- Click "Save."
On any clock you can check the current stored data quantity by going to the menu and selecting Sys Info
Sys Info will show:
- User Count (All Enrolled PINs)
- Admin Count (All PINs that are Enroller or Admin level)
- Pwd Count (All PINs with a Passcode)
- FP Count (all fingerprints enrolled)
- Record count (Number of Punch Log Entries)
If any of these seem obviously high, and the clock is currently on-line, go to Menu >> System >> Data Mng >> Delete All, then reload that clock with current users by using the software.
- Timekeeper >> Setup >> Clock Groups >> [clock group] >> Clock Tools
- Select the clock(s) to reload
- Click the "Upload All Employees" button
If the clock is not currently on-line then it might have punches that are not yet delivered to the server.
Please ensure that the clocks are online and current before deleting data