1. Go to RT Web > Setup > Communications > [clock group], and double-click on each clock. The clock's IP address and firmware number are on the bottom right hand corner. Take note of the(se) address(es).
  2. Download WorkCode Management Tool.
    • Download the attached files and save them to the same folder.
    • Right Click each saved file and "Unblock"
    • Right Click ClockToolsSupport.exe and select Run As Administrator (This installs the needed DLL files)
  3. Run WorkCodeManagement.exe.
  4. Connect to (first) clock. Enter the clock's IP address in WorkCode Management and click "Connect".
  5. WARNING: Whatever you write to the clock will completely overwrite what's on the clock.
    Therefore, if you already have codes on the clock, and want to add to or edit the existing codes, read codes from clock. Enter the workcode number range in "Read From" and "Read To" (e.g., 1 to 1000), then click "Read".
  6. Fill in the Desired Codes

    1. Edit/add codes by typing them into cells under the ID and WorkCode columns.

      • ID is displayed as "ID" and WorkCode is displayed as "Description"

      • Attempting to Enter non-numeric values here will cause an Error when uploading.

    2. Read them from another Clock.

      1. Disconnect and Connect to the Source clock that has the desired list.

      2. Specify the First and Last (lowest and highest) ID numbers

      3. Click "Read" in the "Device:" section.

      4. Disconnect if necessary and reconnect to the Destination clock

    3. Read them from a CSV file. 

      • File must have headings for "LevelId", "ItemId" and "TrackingCode".

      • TrackingCode is displayed as "ID" and ItemId is displayed as "Description". "LevelId" is ignored.

      • "ID" is also used by the device to determine display order.

      • Any TrackingCode that is not Strictly Numeric will be skipped when reading the file.

  7. Click "Send".
  8. Disconnect from clock.
  9. If you have additional clocks...
    1. Connect to second clock. 
    2. Write codes to clock. (No need to read, since complete list is already there.) 
    3. Disconnect from clock.
    4. Repeat until all clocks are done.