If you want to provide your employees with Punch Type options at the time they punch the clock, you will need to configure it through the clock menu...
Access the menu and select System, then Keyboard
In the Keyboard configuration, select the desired Function Key to modify and press M/<enter>
When editing the Key in the Function field, select "Status Key".
Toggle through the Key ID options to select the available key prompt descriptions. Use the "Value" field to specify what code will be sent to the software when this key is used.
Configure your communications to apply the desired "Punch Type" according to the Value of the Key.
For RealTime Web this is done in Setup >> Communications >> {Clock Group} >> {Individual Clock} >> Key Code Mappings
For RealTime 3.5 this is done through auxiliary files in the Data Root folder...
- "PunchTypeRules.txt" to map Punch Types to Key Value.
- and "ClockAssignments.txt" to enable using Punch Types for individual clocks.
NOTE 1: If your clock has T9 Text Mode enabled, you will need to use T9 Text to enter the Prompt Description in the Name field.
NOTE 2: Values and Key ID values must be unique from other Function Keys.
NOTE 3: If you want the clock to require selection of a Status Key prior to Punching, send the Clock Command "~MustChoiceInOut" with the Value of "1".