To Modify a Voice Response for a Series 10 clock, you need to:
- Create a wav file of the desired file name that has a 128kbps bit rate
- Place the file in an accessible location on your LAN or WebServer
- Use the Clock Tools to send the file to your clock
Using Clock Tools to send a File to the Clock:
- Navigate to Setup >> Communications
- Access your desired Clock Group
- Click Clock Tools
- Select the Desired Clock(s) to send a file to
- In the Set Clock Option
- Option:
CMD PutFile - Value:
- Option:
- Click Set Option
SourceFilePath NOTE:
For the Value field above, the [SourceFilePath} must be:
- A fully qualified path, reachable by the clock (only IP or DNS available addresses)
- Available to an anonymous guest (no credentials can be provided)
- The name of the file must be one of the FileNames shown below.
[tab] NOTE:
[tab] must be an actual tab character and cannot be keyed into the field. You can create the desired line in Notepad with a Tab character then copy and paste it into the field
These are the filename options for the voice responses and their default message
- E_0.wav
"Thank you" - E_1.wav
"Incorrect Password" - E_2.wav
"Access Denied" - E_3.wav
"Invalid ID" - E_4.wav
"Please Try Again" - E_5.wav
"Re-Enter ID" - E_6.wav
"The Clock Is Full" - E_7.wav
"The Clock is Full" - E_8.wav
"Duplicate Finger" - E_9.wav
"Punch Accepted, Thank You" - E_10.eav