**7.17.3 New Shortkey settings
UPDATE SHORTKEY keyID=%d\tkeyFun=%d\tstateCode=%d\tkeyLabel=%s\tmapValue=%d\tautoChange=%d\tTime
=%s\tSUN =%d\tMON =%d\tTUE =%d\tWED =%d\tTHU=%d\tFRI =%d\tSAT=%d\tJobGroup=%s\tTipGroup=%s
◼ KeyID: ID of a shortcut key. The mappings are as listed below:F1=1, F2=2, F3=3, F4=4, F5=5, F6=6,F7=7,
◼ KeyFun: Function of a shortcut key.
Code | Description |
0 | Function key disabled |
1 | Attendance State Key |
2 | Work Code |
3 | View SMS |
4 | **Help(deprecated) |
5 | **Query ATTLog(deprecated) |
6 | View Last Punch |
7 | **Job Code |
8 | **Self-service |
9 | **Tip Code |
◼ StateCode: Value of Attendance state, see Part III, Table 2.6.
- If value of ShortkeyFun is set to 1, firmware considers value of this parameter. This represents value for
ATT State key. For example you can set value of Check-In (ATT state) to 15 using this parameter.
- If value of ShortkeyFun is not set to 1, firmware ignores this parameter.
- **Note: StateCode is deprecated and replaced by mapValue. Assign StateCode=1 to 8 for ZKTFT30
◼ StateName: Attendance State key label.
If value of ShortKeyFun is 1, this parameter sets label name of relevant ATT State.
If value of ShortKeyFun is not set to 1, firmware ignores this parameter. For example you can set label “Lunch Out” of function key F-3 using this parameter. It supports up to 24 charactors.
StateAutoChange: Enable/Disable attendance state auto switching per schedule.
◼ - Firmware has functionality of scheduling ATT state automatically. For example you can schedule
“Check-In” to display from 9:00 o’ clock to 11:00 o clock. You can schedule “Lunch-Out” to display from
12:00 to 2:00 o clock and so on.
- Value 1 of this parameter enables this functionality. Value 0 of this parameter disables this functionality.
- If value of ShortkeyFun is not set to 1, firmware ignores this parameter. The field is only valid in the
scenario KeyFun =1
◼ StateAutoChangeTime
- For example value of this parameter can be “08:30;09:00;08:00;12:00;11:12;00:00;00:00;”
- This explains
Sunday 8:30 in morning ATT state should be changed to “Check-In” automatically.
Monday 09:00 in morning ATT state should be changed to “Check-In” automatically.
Friday and Saturday there is no need to change ATT state value automatically.
00:00 defines there is no need change ATT state on that particular day.
- Hours and minutes are separated by “:”
- Time for each day are separated by “;”.
- Change Time for each day has to be defined.
- If value of ShortkeyFun is not set to 1, firmware ignores this parameter.
◼ **JobGroup: A String defined in a format that 6 digits(1 or 0) separates by :
E.g. JobGroup =1:0:1:0:1:1 means the JobGroup ID=1, ID=3 ,ID=5, ID=6 are activated with association
to the attendance keys( KeyFun=1) as well as functions keys(KeyFun=7).
◼ **TipGroup: A String defined in a format that 3 digits(1 or 0) separates by :
E.g. TipGroup =1:0:1 means the TipCode ID=1, ID=3 are activated with association to the attendance
keys( KeyFun=1) as well as functions keys (KeyFun=9).
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GetFile SourceFilePath
This new API is the combination of old function key setup and attendance state mapping, which eases server
side implementation.
Series 15 - Remote Function Key Example (F1=Auto, F2=Switch)