There are two ways employees can clock in on their mobile devices:

1) By logging in to the Webconnect web site ( through their browser.

2) By downloading and logging in to the Sundial Mobile Punch app.

You can control what your employees can and can't do with Webconnect and Mobile Punch in the following manner:

1) No logging into Mobile or Webconnect at all.

2) Allow Webconnect only while connected to the office network.
3) Deny Mobile Punch.
4) Allow Mobile Punch, but deny access to Webconnect.
5) Allow Mobile Punch, and allow access to Webconnect without punching.

1) You can prevent punching in through Webconnect and Mobile Punch altogether by not assigning the Webconnect configuration to the employee's profile, or by removing the punch option from Webconnect.

To remove Webconnect from an employee's profile, go to Timekeeper >> Employees >> [employee] >> Externals, and select "Disabled" from the drop-down box next to Webconnect. Click Save.

To remove the punch option from Webconnect, go to Timekeeper >> Setup >> Desktop >> Webconnect >> [webconnect configuration]. 

First, remove the check marks from all entries under "Allowable Punch Types." 
Second, go to the Security tab and set Navigation >> Punch Area to "Denied."

2) You can allow punching through Webconnect only while connected to the office network by using an IP address white list in the Webconnect configuration.

Go to Setup >> Desktop >> Webconnect >> [webconnect configuration] >> Security. Put a check mark next to "Use Whitelist."
Next, click "Add," below the IP address area, and in the text box above, enter the external IP address for the office network. You can find this address by going to Google on a device connected to the network and typing in "what is my ip address." Enter that address under IP Address, and in the Description, enter the location name, and optionally, the date of the entry for future reference.

3) You can remove the employee's ability to log into Mobile Punch by removing or not entering a check mark in "allow mobile" in the Webconnect configuration.

4) If you want to grant some employees the ability to log in through the app, but not log in to the Webconnect web site, you can do so by putting a check mark for "Use Whitelist," and leaving the IP address list blank. Put a check mark in "Allow Mobile" to allow employees to clock in through the app. (All usable entry types must be selected from "Allowable Punch Types."

5) Lastly, if you want to allow employees to log into the Web Site to check hours, request PTO, etc., but not punch, but still allow them to punch using the Mobile app, check the allowable punch types for the app, as above, then set the Punch Area under  Security >> Navigation to "denied."